Ever since I read Animal Farm and 1984, I started getting more and more interested in literature. I never was terribly interested in reading before, for whatever reason. Maybe it's my short attention span or because I was more interested in playing another round of Team Fortress 2 or some other multiplayer video game at the time. But after reading the two well-known Orwell books, I couldn't help but look for something else that may have flown under or over my radar. Literature was not a world I was well-versed in, so I took the time to explore a certain part of the internet for more of what I have been missing out.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Friday, October 23, 2020
Thursday, October 8, 2020
"Suicide Club" Is a Movie I Watched
54 girls jumping in front of a train to their death causes many more suicides across Japan. That's the premise of this rather complicated and quite confusing film that is hard to forget about. A movie that is still talked about and discussed right now since its release in 2001.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
"Death Parade" Is an Anime I Watched
I watched Death Parade for the second time. I own the collector's box set that costed me more than I'd like to admit for a reason. What I want to say is that this show was something I adore! But... that being said...
Friday, April 24, 2020
Japanese McDonald's and Their Menu Item Names
I really like McDonald's. I eat it almost every week and there doesn't seem to be an end to this routine. I figured out how to eat healthier when I'm there and not end up like what they tell you in Super Size Me (thanks Fat Head). Eating at the famous fast food got me wanting to try so many new things found on their menu, from the Seriously Chicken burger (which seems to only be a thing in Canada) to the Ebi Filet-O in Japan. Ebi Filet-O...Ebi Filet-O...