This is an essay, folks!
"You have one new message," the answering machine said in its robotic female voice. It plays a loud beep sound before it continues on. "This is Charles from the ramen restaurant. Your take-out is ready. Would you kindly come before it gets cold?" the man who left the message tells you. "End of message," the robotic voice from before returns. Seems like that was all there to it. Better go get that ramen! But oh no! You're not picking up ramen at the restaurant. In fact, the restaurant is actually a building where the communist Russian mafia operates. Or was it a random neo-Nazi gang? Doesn't matter who's operating what or whatever they were up to because now you're going around killing everyone inside and you're not going to stop until they're all dead.
Now why would you do such a thing? Sure they were a bunch of no good commies, or no good fascists but did you really have to go and do it? Is it because you like hurting other people? Do you even know who left that message on the phone? Are you telling me this isn't the first time you're doing this? There were similar messages left before and you just went around killing everyone inside the building wherever they told you to go to?
An artificial intelligence once attempted to further human evolution by not controlling content but to create context within the digital age due to digital society furthering human flaws and selectively rewarding development of convenient half-truths. With strange juxtapositions of morality running rampant, communities turning into echo chambers and media bias stronger than ever, it may have been a blessing some artificial intelligence was going to help us not fall into a new kind of dark age which attacks the mind and along with it our progress as a species. Unfortunately, said artificial intelligence seem to have gone missing and everything they tried to fight against has come true. Us humans now have access to limitless data. Completely unfiltered and will always remain. When events bigger than yourself are happening outside, we'll be occupied by petty issues and gossip, soaking up hours of useless garbage like figuring out whether or not a dress was colored white or blue. Remaining oblivious to what's going on beyond does curtains.
People using the Internet is the norm. Everybody should be using the Internet (unless you're from certain countries that prohibit it. Truth be told, there's probably big issues if that's the case) but because of this it has become an escape. When the people in your world (the REAL world) do not fit your mold, the Internet communities will have you covered. Always there whenever you need to retreat from the harsh world of reality. You can't believe there's people all around the world who believe sucker punching a guy who hasn't done anything (besides claiming something he's not) and pepper-spraying an innocent woman is absolutely okay! What a dream. But it's not! You're awake! You can hold up in a discussion website that hosts your community and be able to circlejerk for days to come!
But this is the downfall. Despite the World Wide Web being incredibly wide, it gave us ear plugs (distractions) so we can use them whenever we want (need) to. Just close the tab and look away from the screen. Or better yet, you would kindly leave a nasty comment on how they're wrong without giving any reason besides name-calling. Things get so comfy, you get so attached, that you believe to be so in the right, that you probably forgot something. You probably forgot to ask. Just ask. It's much more convenient to withdraw into the hivemind that suits your beliefs without questioning them. It's better to create "truths" that fit your world and the people (adult children) around you. This echo chamber presents to you a view of the world through a painted window. It's all an illusion and the only way to see for how things really are is to go out and create discussion, not oppressing it. The people have become weak. They prefer to argue and force their twisted worldview onto others instead of talking out a topic to ultimately find the truth through the threads of the two. But that cannot happen.
The "appropriate" view has to be pushed onto all of us. We must submit and push onto others who disagree. Shut down the speech. Shut down the talk. There is nothing to discuss. Just listen to us and we'll lead you to the right path. The people who have turned against us are nothing more than bigoted, narrow-minded, whatever-a-phobe assholes so we are absolutely in the right to stop them from opening their mouths with whatever method we can use (violence is okay). We are the heroes and we are in the right even though we resemble a totalitarian state we cannot stop because our ignorance is what makes us powerful. We just simply cut away their tongues and silencing those who defy us and create a world of unquestioning followers in our image. The biased news corporations, the one minute entertainment videos that give you easy to digest scoops on stories (not news), the people on top who give and spread their propaganda realized that people are lazy creatures that are easy to feed and we will continue doing their deed and we will support them. People will not want to get up and search for the truth hiding behind our tongues, the facts and information that jeopardizes our agenda. Whenever people want to dig deeper into a subject, when they want to discuss about things rather than of them (big difference), there's always us, the people hiding behind positive sounding banners to stop them.
When a scandal gets revealed, we'll censor it, blame it on a community and make them our enemy. When a country wants to take better care of its citizens, we'll paint it as a monster. When the people have caught up to our wrongdoings, we fight back and not take responsibility. When we need to start taking responsibility, we'll create a bogeyman to throw the blame on. When the fire under our regime burns and the world turns to ashes, that's when you finally start asking questions. Perhaps the answer is that you wanted to be something you're not: a hero. Through all the quests, missions, and objectives that were given to you, you were always led on a journey to defeat the evil boss and become the hero that the world needed. And because of that, through all good intentions, were led to believe that if you did exactly that in the real world, you will become a hero. A real hero. And a real hero is meant to accomplish said quest/mission/objective. They don't ask questions on their own doings. They listen and act. And if there isn't an evil dragon to slay, you create one, in your head (give him a name too. Conrad sounds good). Just like how the games are played.
What you need to know is out there but if you're going to make judgment based on limited knowledge, you're not going to be standing on any moral high ground anytime soon. You have to realize that you're weak. You're dumb and you have to realize that before you start your new game. You need gas in the car before it can run, right? Put down the controller and turn off the television. It's better to start asking a very simple question. Actually, it's not even a question. It's really just asking. Asking why this is happening or what's going on is a good place to start (but don't just take it from me, of course. There's probably a billion questions that you can come up with that will work just as well) but what you really should be doing is simply asking. Is it that hard? It's not but people refuse to do it because it's too much work or some other reason that work as an excuse to delude in. Questioning everything is too much. Simply having a strong opinion without knowing anything about it but knowing of it is much more convenient and there's absolutely no chance that they could be in the wrong because of...rationality? Open-mindedness? Equality? Diversity? Justice? Goodness? Nothing but skewered and vague definitions they don't hold any grasp of. What they spout and stand for is nothing but words. No meaning behind them but just another "truth" they led themselves to believe in. And all this "truth" is what the world is being engulfed in. And unless we can break free from this false notion, we will fall and wonder in the end how our good intentions paved the road to hell. Sorry, bud. It's game over. Good game, no rematch.
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