This is an essay, folks! This is also a work of satire! Remember that. Please.
It's [current year]! The old generation is stepping down and the new generation is taking its place! Who are they? They are the Millennials and they are in the house! One of the healthiest, well-educated, and most open (more ways than one. Michael and Mustafa sleep with my girlfriend five times a week, which is four times more often than she sleeps with me, but we're in an open relationship so there isn't a problem) generation of people that stepped foot on Earth! Once all the baby boomers (more like baby goofers, am I right, my non-binary genderfluid friends) and all the people on the spectrum of the right-wing are thrown into the gas chambers, the Millennials will go down in history as the best, most glorious, awesome, open-minded, fantastic, humane, spectacular, totally not destructive, fabulous generation!